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Essential tools for software developers and teams.

JetBrains specialises in intelligent, productivity-enabling tools to help developers write clean, quality code across .NET, Java, Ruby, Python, PHP, JavaScript, C# and C++ platforms throughout all stages of development. Whether your customers are looking to automate common repetitive tasks or spend less time on maintenance tasks, JetBrains has a multitude of tools for any technology to improve productivity.

JetBrains IDEs will help developers get the code to the development environment and debug any code running in place.

Environments for multiple developer languages

Whether your customers are developing applications in Go, C, C++, Python, Java, JVM, Ruby, JetBrains have the perfect ergonomic environment.

Key Product: CLion, GoLand, IntelliJ IDEA, PyCharm, Rider, RubyMine, AppCode.

Database Development

Solutions for professional database and cross-platform developers, including SQL, .NET, Go, C and C++ developers.

Key Product: CLion, DataGrip, GoLand, Rider.

Analysis and Productivity

Whether the application is deployed in VMs or in containers, JetBrain’s IDEs improve developer productivity and intelligent data analysis.

Key Product: Datalore, PHPStorm,

JetBrains tools help to improve the productivity and performance of developing within the .NET environment and Visual Studio IDE, while allowing developers to use multiple languages and code.

.NET Development

Developed by Microsoft, the .NET framework is used widely for creating applications for the Windows platform.

Key Product: ReSharper, DotCover, DotMemory, DotTrace

Visual Studio

Improve the productivity and performance of the Visual Studio integrated environment in multiple languages and code.

Key Product: ReSharper, ReSharper C++

JetBrains tools enables teams to achieve transparency in team communications and collaboration, better plan development process iterations, and accurately distribute responsibilities.

Stay Agile

Track projects and tasks, use agile boards, plan sprints and releases, keep a knowledge base, work with reports and dashboards and create dynamic workflows.

Key Product: YouTrack

Collaborative Code Review

Improve entire projects with efficient code review, design flaw detection and risk analysis. Keep up to date with the project and onboard new team members faster.

Key Product: Upsource

Powerful Continuous Integration

JetBrains offers a general-purpose CI/CD solution that allows the most flexibility for all sorts of workflows and development practices.

Key Product: TeamCity

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