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What’s in the box?

The beauty of our CIABs is you can use as a full campaign or just utilise sections and snippets based on your current selling points. Working closely with our vendors, we’ve made sure our campaigns are focused on the biggest focus points for them, to provide the optimum value for all parties.

Landing pages

Instantly create a presence on your website for your new vendor. Detailed breakdown of who they are, what they offer, and why you need them!  

Blog Posts

We’ll do the research for you! Relate to current trends, statistics, solutions and more to drive traffic and interest to your vendors.

Email content

Just setup with your dedicated target list, assign your email signatures, and you have a fully fledged email campaign ready to go!

Social Media Posts

77% of businesses use social media to reach customers (Source: Forbes). Our boxes provide a mixture of social posts per focus point to suit a variety of personas.

Resource Library

Folder containing a mixture of vendor logos, brand guidelines and assets to support all the content in the box!

And more!

Each box is different and offers different extra features to suit the vendor. Need something else or feel like something is missing? Just ask and we can provide!

Campaigns in Boxes available today!

See below our current box portfolio. We are constantly adding new boxes so watch this space!
Have a specific vendor you’d like a box for? Let us know and we can prioritise for you!

Start using our boxes today!

Fill in the form below or email to request your campaign in a box (or boxes!)

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